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Thanks for visiting dongledumper home page, devoted to programming sphere and software protection research. We are the company that specializes in reverse engineering, data security reason wibu dongle dump download idm software protections methods 7 years of leadership experience. We are working In cooperation with experts all around the world to make updates With in-time and high quality. I n the Services Section you can make request for dongle's emulator creation. We are glad to work with you! Please, pay your attention that we aren't engaged in software and utilities distribution, suitable for software cracking patches, key generators, loaders etc. We are ready to help if you are a licensed user of the program, but you can't use the original hardware key on your computer for some reason. Dongle is a piece of hardware which can be lost;There's a large market for second hand software and dongles. That's the reason of great quantity of dongle thefts. Dongle Protection Research and Emulation Service BACKUP TODAY SECORING THE FUTURE Order You are looking for reversing solution or dongle replacement? We are ready to help you. Order Dongle Protection Research and Emulation Service. We provide tools backup - different software research tools and other information, concerning software investigation,Here you will find my own and foreign programs for almost all popular dongles. Supported Dongles: AladdinSentinel, SafeNetWibuSmartKey. Choosing work with us and using our services you can benefit from effective cooperation and first class technical support.

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